It's been a couple of months now since the kids started at their new school. This photo was taken on their first day. Ben refused to co-operate and so he gets a goofy photo of himself. So far the kids have all coped really well with our move. They have settled into school and are making us proud of them in many ways.
Abby has made some good friends and her teacher tells us that she is one of the top readers in her class. Abby has earnt the respect of her class mates by the impressive stories she writes and takes to school to share with them. She had her tenth birthday on the 9th of March. We had a cake for her on her birthday with all the neighbourhood kids and had a 'Mystery Dinner' birthday party with a few school friends on Friday 12th. It's hard to believe that my little baby has grown up so quickly.
Tim has also settled into school very well. In the first week of school, his class mates voted for him to be 'Class Captain' for the first half of the year.
He is on the T-ball team, in the choir and in the chess club. He has also made some good friends, both at school and at home. His teacher informs us that he is in the highest reading group and recently scored the highest score (48/50) in his class for a practice test they were doing in preparation for the NAPLAN testing next term. He is also eagerly sharing his faith with friends at school and has recently asked to be baptised, which will happen on Easter Sunday when my parents will be staying with us.
Ben is continuing the tradition Tim started for our family. Breaking his right arm at the age of six. On Friday 26th February, as Simon was walking out the door to leave for the Katoomba Men's convention, Ben fell off his stationary bike and began to whimper about it hurting. After a hospital visit it was discovered that he had a fracture. I thank God for the community I live in because my neighbours fed my other children and put them to bed whilst I sat at the hospital with Ben. At parent/teacher interviews today, Ben's teacher greeted us with, "You have a very clever little boy." During the interview she showed us a test she had done with him, explaining they don't normally even try this test until late year 2 or 3. Ben had breezed through the first page and continued reasonably easily on the next page. She then mentioned that she would like to get him tested to see if he is 'gifted'. We have noticed lately that as we try to help Abby with maths homework, he often answers before she does. Ben also joined the chess club today.
Ezra is doing extremely well at pre-school. He begged to go for the three weeks before he started and on his first day told me quite firmly that I could go now and he'd stay without me. This is remarkable considering how clingy and shy he seemed to be last year. Our move seems to have turned him into a regular little socialite. When he is at home he loves to rush out to the playground and chat to anyone who will stop and listen. He has planty of companions close to home as there are 8 boys around his age living in our community, and he seems to be quite popular at pre-school also.
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